MS SQL to MySQL Database Converter Screenshots

Available at: $49

Table Attributes Selection

Select table attributes including convert tables definitions only, Skip converting indexes, converting views and converting stored procedures. Click Next to proceed.

Data records selection

From the left panel, select your database and select corresponding tables from the right panel. DB converter also provides option to select schema manually.

Choose Schema

Above screenshots displays Manual Selection of schema (e.g. - HR). Table corresponding to selected schema are shown in right panel. Select tables as per choice and click convert to proceed.

Add Views

If you have checked “converting views” option during table attributes selection. DB Software asked for adding views to convert them. Add views that you want to convert and click on confirm button to start conversion process.

Database Conversion

Above screenshots shows progress bar of MS SQL to MySQL DB conversion. You can abort process using Stop button, skip table conversion using skip button as per need.

Database Conversion Completed

After completion of database conversion, a message will displays – “MS SQL to MySQL Database Conversion completed successfully”.

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